Do porcelain slabs crack easily? | Cruso Granito

Do porcelain slabs crack easily?


Do porcelain slabs crack easily?

You've been dreaming of finally renovating your kitchen or bathroom with those gorgeous porcelain slabs you've been seeing all over home decor sites and magazines. But before you take the plunge, you probably have a nagging question in the back of your mind - do porcelain slabs crack easily? 

After all, you've invested so much time and money into this renovation, you want to make sure you choose a material that will last. Porcelain slabs are made from extremely dense and durable porcelain ceramic, so they are less prone to cracks and scratches compared to other natural stone options. 

However, porcelain slabs can still chip or crack if installed incorrectly or subjected to extreme impacts. The good news is by following some best practices you can enjoy your new porcelain slab countertops or floors for decades without worrying about cracks. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Are Porcelain Slabs Prone to Cracking?

Are porcelain slabs prone to cracking? In a word, no. Porcelain slabs are made from dense, durable porcelain ceramic that is highly resistant to cracks and breaks.

Are Porcelain Slabs Prone to Cracking?

The low absorption rate makes porcelain slabs nearly impervious

Porcelain's low absorption rate, typically under 0.5%, means moisture has little effect. This ultra-low porosity prevents water from seeping in and expanding when it freezes, which helps avoid cracks from thermal shock. The dense, vitrified body is also highly impact-resistant.

Proper installation is key

While porcelain slabs themselves are not prone to cracking, improper installation is a leading cause of cracks. Porcelain slabs require a reinforced, stable substrate and professional installation using a high-quality tile adhesive or mortar. Uneven, unstable, or flexing subfloors can lead to stress cracks over time.

Size and shape also matter

Large format porcelain slabs, especially those with an irregular shape, may be slightly more prone to cracking if not installed correctly on a suitable substrate. The additional weight requires a substrate that can properly support the slabs to avoid sagging or shifting that leads to cracks.

With a durable, dense material, professional installation on a proper substrate, and care to avoid dropping heavy objects on the surface, porcelain slabs provide a nearly crack-proof countertop or flooring solution for residential and commercial spaces alike. Their combination of strength and style is hard to beat.

Factors That Can Lead to Cracking in Porcelain Slabs

Porcelain slabs are durable, but not indestructible. There are a few factors that can lead to cracking if you're not careful.

First, improper installation is a major cause of cracks. Porcelain slabs need to be supported properly to handle their weight. If the subfloor isn't level or the wrong adhesives are used, cracks are likely to form. Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations for installation to avoid this.

Factors That Can Lead to Cracking in Porcelain Slabs

Second, impacts and stresses can crack porcelain slabs. Dropping heavy objects, high heels, furniture legs - anything that puts excessive pressure on the slab can cause cracks. Place furniture pads under the legs of heavy furniture and avoid walking on the slabs with high heels when possible.

Finally, temperature changes cause porcelain slabs to expand and contract. If the slab is installed in an area with extreme or rapid temperature fluctuations, cracks may develop. The best way to prevent this is by choosing a porcelain slab that is suitable for the conditions it will be installed in. An outdoor slab should be used for outdoor installation, for example.

With proper installation, protecting from impacts, and choosing a slab suitable for the location, porcelain slabs can provide years of enjoyment without cracking. Take appropriate precautions, be gentle with your slabs, and you'll avoid unwanted cracks in your porcelain paradise.

Tips for Preventing Cracks in Your Porcelain Slabs

To prevent cracks in your porcelain slabs, there are a few tips you should keep in mind:

Tips for Preventing Cracks in Your Porcelain Slabs

Choose a reputable brand

Go with a well-known, trusted brand that specializes in high-quality porcelain slabs. Lesser quality slabs often use inferior materials and production methods, making them more prone to cracking. Stick with brands that have a proven track record of durability.

Have it professionally installed

Porcelain slabs should only be installed by trained professionals. Improper installation is a leading cause of cracking. Professionals have the proper tools, knowledge, and experience to handle the slabs correctly and secure them so they are level and well-supported. DIY installation often ends in disaster.

Reinforce the subfloor

Make sure your subfloor is in good condition and able to properly support the weight of the porcelain slabs. Porcelain is very dense and heavy, so the subfloor must be secure and reinforced as needed before installation. Structural damage or instability in the subfloor can lead to cracking in the slabs above.

Control expansion and contraction

Porcelain slabs will naturally expand and contract a small amount with temperature changes. Proper installation includes leaving adequate space around the edges of the slabs and using the recommended flexible sealant or caulk to fill these gaps. This space allows for minor movement without causing cracks.

Avoid dropping or damaging the slabs

Porcelain slabs can potentially crack if subjected to a heavy impact or drop during handling and installation. Professionals are trained to properly lift and move the slabs to minimize the risk of cracks and chips before they are installed. Once installed, avoid dropping heavy objects on the slabs.

Following these useful tips will help ensure your porcelain slabs maintain their beautiful, crack-free appearance for many years to come. With the right brand, professional installation, solid subfloor, flexibility for movement, and care during handling, porcelain slabs can provide a lifetime of enjoyment.



So in summary, while porcelain slabs are durable, they are not indestructible. With proper care and maintenance though, porcelain slabs should last you a lifetime. Just be sure to choose a reputable brand, have it installed by a pro, and avoid dropping heavy objects on it. 

As long as you do your part to prevent cracks, your porcelain slabs will provide a stunning, low-maintenance surface for your home. At the end of the day, porcelain slabs are an investment, so do your research, understand the risks, and take good care of them. If you do, you'll be enjoying your porcelain slabs for years to come with minimal worries about cracks or damage.